Un nuevo día

por Lorena Noriega Hoy me desperté con un poco de…

La mosca de Saturno

por Dayan Casaña Una mosca me visita. Recorre los planetas…

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If you want to read our issue 4 you can click on the image or the link :

https://beyonddimensionsrevista.wordpress.com/beyond-dimensions-2/ https://beyonddimensionsrevista.wordpress.com/beyond-dimensions-2/

Blue has no dimensions, it is beyond dimensions. -Yves Klein

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Revista literaria emergente que busca dar voz a los nuevos escritores y crear un puente de diálogo entre el inglés y el español. Parte del proyecto de la editorial La Confianza.

Emerging literary magazine that wants to give voice to new writers and create a dialogue between English and Spanish. Editorial La Confianza’s project.


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“I know you’ve heard it a thousand times before, but it’s true — hard work pays off. If you want to be good, you have to practice, practice, practice. If you don’t love something, then don’t do it.” Ray Bradbury